Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Twenty years on

A slightly strange experience today. I had to go to the hospital for a check up and after negotiating the lift that decided it wanted to go all the way to the top floor before coming back down to where I needed to be I made my way to the correct department.

I waited for a few minutes before going to see the consultant and after he had examined me, he asked me if I had been to Sheffield University and specifically if I had been a resident of Tapton Hall. It suddenly clicked that he had lived on the same corridor as me for a year, twenty or so years ago.

Crikey. Talk about a blast from the past. I put my name on Friends Reunited a few years ago, but I didn’t recognize any of the alumni from that era. In some ways it seems like yesterday, and in others it feels like a different world. Ah well, the past is a different country.

In other news, fencing tonight was excellent, sweaty fun with lots of rapier and buckler vs rapier and dagger action in preparation for the forthcoming assessments. Hoorah – I love fencing!


Doll Face said...

20 years. WOW! I can harldy remember people i studied with 5 years ago.

I'm so surprised at what a sweaty sport fencing is? But, so much fun! I only have 2 weeks of classes left. I'm undecided if i'll continue...

Anonymous said...

It is a small world. Had reason to browse the internet about events that happened 15-20 years ago and found article you had written. Thought - I'm sure I know that name so searched further and found this site. In particular this post written only 3 days ago. If you were in Tapton then I'm sure I know you.

It was 20 years ago and probably best not to go back there.

But all the best to you.

thermalsatsuma said...

Now I'm intrigued ... who are you?

Anonymous said...

I didn't live in Tapton but came in and a group of us had discussions.

As I say, all a long time ago, don't want to reopen things but intrigued to have found your post only 3 days after you posted it - particularly given how you came to post it.

I remember really enjoying our discussions.

thermalsatsuma said...

Ah - now I think I remember ... it's been an interesting twenty years since then, to say the least. I consider myself lucky to be where I am now - happy, healthy and with a fine set of friends and family.

I hope that life has been similarly kind to you as well.