Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Much as predicted, it snowed a fair bit last night.

I got up a the usual time, took a look out of the window and made an executive decision not to risk trying to drive to Leeds which turned out to be a wise move. The link road between here and the motorway was blocked for a while, at least for HGVs, so the tailbacks will have been silly.

I was reasonably productive working from home, although the network was running a bit slow presumably from everybody else having the same idea. Those who did make it into the office left early in any case, so I think I've managed more work than most today.

As promised last night, I did a bit more M150 work and had a crack at the CME, which is a formative self assessment exercise for this block. I had no trouble getting 100% on this one, so I think I am definitely going for the java project for the end of course assessment for this course.

Right, I think it might be time to mosey downstairs for a cup of coffee and a bit of xbox. It's a 1 vs 100 night, tonight - hurrah!

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