Thursday, January 21, 2010

All in a mouse's night

Weather : grey, mood : grey, underpants : grey.

I could leave it at that, but being verbose and with an obsessive compulsive need to write something every day, I won't.

Just after I posted last night, Daisy the cat brought in yet another mowsie. I tried to rescue it, but it scampered away over my feet and under the sofa. Doris the cat came to join in the hunt and eventually both cats cornered the poor little creature who promptly popped his proverbial clogs from fright. The cats are evidently making up for lost time from when they were snowed in and they must have found a nest in the field somewhere, providing them with steady supply of the mouse based equivalent of a Kinder egg - something to eat *and* something to play with, not forgetting a nasty surprise for any hoomins in the house at the time.

I've finally cleared the backlog of podcasts from the Christmas period, and appropriately enough the last one in the queue turned out to be the Adam and Joe boxing day show, and it was slightly odd to hear all of the festive banter and present giving three quarters of the way through January. I did enjoy the Bob Dylan Christmas songs though - timeless!

Time Gentlemen Please continues to be an excellent antidote to gloom. We've been watching two episodes a night recently and they are tremendous fun. As well as being astonishingly crude and very funny in places, they really are a text book example of how to structure a sitcom, with character development, running jokes, catch phrases, sight gags and callbacks to earlier episodes, with Terry's never-fail chat up technique making several unsignposted reappearances. Unfortunately, I can't see any way that a programme like this would make it past the blue pencils of the compliance editors of the BBC and ITV nowadays, but at least we have things like 'As It Occurs to Me' (a-eye-ottima!) as an alternative.


Anonymous Me said...

Yeah, I got really hooked on a-eye-ottama and am now missing it. Any idea if it's coming back?

thermalsatsuma said...

Yes, it's coming back in May, I think.