Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I know I shouldn't get excited, but I just can't help it.

I've been keeping a weather eye (ho, ho - I am satirical) on the BBC five day weather forecasts and they have been predicting a cold snap with added snow on Friday for a couple of days now. What usually happens is that the five day forecast will predict the next ice age, and then just before it is due the page will mysteriously change to dull, drizzly and depressing (and other things starting with D). However, things are looking promising this time with a cold front heading down from the North imminently. I'll be keeping an eye on my weather station to see if it starts forecasting snow - it's usually pretty accurate for 12 - 24 hours ahead.

Why do I look forward to snow so much? I dunno really. Part of it is the childish joy at a snow day, with the world being transformed. Part of it is the crisp, cold air and lowering skies, followed by blinding sunshine. In the words of the song, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

In other news, I managed to solve a problem with an invoice report that I had spent two days trying and failing to do with vb scripting by changing the way I was picking up the data with a series of sql views that I joined with a union select. The elegant solution beats the brute force one every time, and when I figured out what to do it only took a quarter of an hour to implement it.

In other, other news, Rez HD is now up of xbox live arcade and I am mightily tempted ...


Anonymous said...

D'you know I've only seen snow once? And even then, as it was turned into slush by cars and it fell in clumps from the top of trees onto passers-by.

Anonymous said...

Well wouldn't you know it, just when I could afford to have a snow day (office move, so working at home), all we get is rain, very windy (bitterly cold I grant you, so much so it hurts!), but not a flake do we see! What does my weather station predict? Just more of the same!

Oh well, hope you get to see some of the white stuff - throw a snowball or two for me :)