Thursday, January 31, 2008

Teed Off

I have a routine.

As bedtime draws nigh, the cats start to congregate in the lounge, strolling in one at a time in a casual sort of way and making a point of not appearing too eager. As whichever telly programme is being watched finishes and the laptop lids are closed they know that teatime is approaching. I usually head towards the kitchen collecting all of the various cups, glasses, yoghurt spoons and the like on the way.

Last night, I picked up a half full mug of tea from the side table (or was it half empty? Ho ho, I am philosophical). What I didn't realise was that the sugary liquid had slopped onto the table, gluing the mug in place. As I lifted the mug, the table came with it, at least partially, before separating and projecting the tea onto the bookcase over a whole shelf full of dvds.

Oh poo, quoth I, or other expletives to that effect, and cue twenty minutes of wiping sticky tea off of the floor, the shelf and several dozen of the aforementioned dvds whilst the cats grew steadily more fractious and pesky until I finally finished the cleaning and cracked open a tin of Tiger Cod and Shrimp.

Kobudo tonight was excellent, as always, and I am very jealous of Rachel's lovely antique Katana - mmmm, shiny. I think I've got the five cuts more or less straight now, although my joho-geri needs a little work. I have a mental block about the happo geri no-kamae stance kata though - I think it's the combination of footwork, cuts and a string of Japanese terms to learn that has caused my brain to melt and dribble out through my ears. I need to find some way of memorizing it and mapping it somehow.

Snow watch - the weather station is currently saying 3.4 degrees and rain, but the temperature is dropping so things are looking hopeful ...

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