Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend weaponry

Gosh, I'm tired.

The weekend just gone was busy, but highly enjoyable. Six hours of rapier and sabre on Saturday followed by a highly enjoyable barbecue at Tam and Sarah's house. The flame grilled sausages and burgers went down a treat after the exertions of the day, and Jamie had fun playing with various cats in the house.

Yesterday I caught up on the washing and ironing, played a bit more Project Gotham Racing 3 (Lamborghini Owners Club Achievement - GET!) and then went out for a superb two hour kobudo course covering tonfa (the surprisingly versatile police baton), nunchukas, inventive (and excruciating) wrist locks with the sai and defence against knife attacks, including one where you get the attacker to stab himself in the groin with his own knife ... :-)

Home for a beer, cheese, salad and warm ciabatta to eat and then an interesting drama on tv about the Wolfenden report that led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK (and gave me a strangely erotic dream about Kenneth Williams of all people!).

Ooooh, matron!

I found an excellent link in my inbox this morning from Nancy - Weird Asian Martial Arts Weapons - enjoy!

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