Friday, May 25, 2007


On the 7th of April this year, a seventeen year old girl was dragged from her house, stripped and beaten to death in the most barbaric way imaginable. Some of the crowd filmed it on their mobile phones. Armed police officers stood by and watched it happen and didn't intervene to save her. She was a Yazidi and her supposed crime was to have a Sunni Muslim boyfriend. Twenty or more Yazidis have been killed in revenge killings since.

Is there anybody out there anywhere, with anything positive to say about religion? I am increasingly of the opinion that any religion, of any stripe, is a cancer on the human psyche. By encouraging belief in things that are insubstantial and imaginary, religion makes its adherents see others as less than human and not worthy of human dignity. A principal of an Oxford college, supposedly a bastion of enlightened thought, was recently reported to have said that 95% of Britons deserve eternal damnation in the fires of hell. If you think that somebody is going to end up being tormented by a vindictive deity, then you are not going to give two hoots about their life in the here and now.

A pox on all their houses.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

What a horrible story. And sadly, it wasn't shocking. I don't know if religion is the culprit or human psychological development, and the quantity of us who, for some reason or another, linger at the "We Right Good/Other Wrong Bad" stage for a long time.