Monday, May 22, 2006

Don't push me, cause I'm close to the edge ...

… I’m trying not to lose my head.

It has been a strange sort of day. I think that I’ve been crashing since the weekend – a combination of tiredness, worry and general stress. I was snappy with the kids, Alicia in particular whose room looked like a disaster area. Work was similarly stressful, with a major redesign on one of the timesheet analysis reports that turned up lots of apparently missing records with nobody knowing exactly which of the development staff were supposed to be filling in timesheets. I was also feeling achy and run down, for no particular identifiable reason.

By the time the evening rolled around, I made a conscious effort to motivate myself to get out of the house to fencing, and I am very glad that I did. Listening to ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’ in the car went a long way towards lifting my mood and then some superbly visceral sword and buckler work led into some of the best freeplay that I’ve had for a long time. 

In other news, I’ve finished listening to ‘Wizard and Glass’, book 4 of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. It is one of the most affecting stories I’ve read for a long time, probably since ‘Hearts in Atlantis’ last year. It is concerned with Roland the Gunslinger’s first steps on the road to the tower and the terrible events that shaped his character. It also explains more of the concept of Ka, or fate, and the joining of individuals into groups with a common purpose or Ka-tet, even though the consequences may be dire. 

Wolves of the Calla next …


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