Monday, December 12, 2005

The only way is up ...

I woke up early this morning from a bizarre and vivid dream in which I felt a palpable sense of disappointment as my lovely apricot tart that I had ordered in a cafe had been knocked on the floor by careless Mike Tucker from the Archers. My head was muzzy with the beginnings of a cold and I felt like a zombie trudging round with my normal morning routine in the dark.

Jamie has been off school today with a nasty cough, and I had something of an epiphany with the game Mercenaries. I'd got about three quarters of the way through the game and realised that it had all got a bit repetative and samey, and there was no story or plotline to speak of other than arresting various North Korean baddies and blowing things up. I decided to delete the save game and allow Jamie to load on a completed game save from an xbox magazine cover disk so he could concentrate on finding hidden items and having a bit of fun with the cheat codes. It was the first time that I had been into the save game section of the xbox dashboard, and I was mildly shocked at the amount of stuff on there stretching right back to Buffy the Vampire slayer that I conceded defeat on when I was stuck on some awful spinny-platformy-jumpy bit and had died $hilariouslylargemadeupnumber of times.

It strikes me that buying a console without a hard disk, or some other form of large non volatile memory storage, is a bit pointless. Why on earth do microsoft offer the Core version of the xbox 360 without a hard disk for what works out as a trivial saving when you factor in the cost and inconvenience of memory cards?

I felt a bit better as the day progressed, and brightened up even more when I received a surprise hamper from work with lots of goodies in, just before I got the email telling us that we would all be getting one. Hurrah and huzzah!

Time for a walk, and then try to pacify Alicia who seems to be determined to get her knickers in a twist about a form she's got to fill in for a work placement at school next year.

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