Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Merry Little Christmas

An early start for me.

Not the children, who didn't stir until well after eight o'clock, but I was awake with that strange mix of excitement and anticipation that epitomises Christmas morning for me. I took Barney for his customary walk in the half light of dawn and then made a cup of tea and went back upstairs for a few minutes peace before the rest of the family woke up.

Christmas stockings first, knick knacks, gew gaws and gadgets with a chocolate orange tucked away at the bottom, and then downstairs for more presents. Everybody, I think, had just what they wanted - items from their wish lists to Santa and surprises too. Alicia had her box set of Doctor Who dvds, books and a sonic screwdriver, Jamie had the guitar that he had been hankering for and some new games and a Green Day cd, Jan had her new phone (pink, of course) and a mix of scarves, chocolates and a little gold box with some frankincense and myrrh. I had some new books, a new xbox game, a little crate of chocolate liqueurs, some marvel superhero pyjamas and a plush cthulhu. Oh, and I mustn't forget the fencing frog sculpture from my mum.

Some breakfast, and a chance to settle down to a morning of game playing, dvd watching and gadget experimenting with. Jan set to preparing the Christmas lunch and I contributed my usual bread sauce before being shooed out of the kitchen with instructions to go and play some more games.

We sat down to a magnificent spread. Turkey, pheasant, potatoes (mashed and roasted), parsnips, carrots, sprouts, bread sauce, gravy and cranberry sauce filled our plates. Bucks Fizz and Chateau Neuf du Pape to drink and crackers to pull. By crikey and by criminy we were stuffed, and far to full to even contemplate Christmas pudding.

The table was cleared, the worktops wiped and the dishwasher set to run and I retired for a post prandial snooze to allow my digestive system time to set to work. Another walk in the woods, an alka seltzer and nice cup of tea, and then it was time for Doctor Who - a fantastic hour of television with killer Santas, lethal Christmas trees, cruel aliens, a new Doctor and even a swash buckling bit of sword play to round things off. Oooh, and let's not forget the tantalising teasers for the next series - Sarah Jane Smith, K9 and the return of the Cybermen - yaybo!

Now, after setting up Jamie's megadrive joypad game, I'm sitting here with a glass of fine beer and a triple sec chocolate to savour and a moment to reflect on a wonderful day. Thank you to Jan, Alicia and Jamie for being my nearest and dearest. I hope that all of your many and varied days have been as satisfying. Cheers!

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