Friday, September 30, 2005

Pitch Black

I watched ‘Pitch Black’ last night. Well, actually I started watching it on TV last Sunday, remembered that I had bought the DVD of it cheap, so put that on instead and then fell asleep half way through, and then actually finished watching it four days later. It was good, stylish, SF fun, albeit spectacularly stupid – how does a species that dissolves in sunlight evolve on a planet where it is only dark every twenty-something years? 

I watched one of the special featurettes after the credits had rolled, and it was film of special promotional rave parties that they put on before the film was released. Supposedly, these events were supposed to recreate the full ‘Pitch Black’ experience, although all this seemed to involve was the lights being turned off half way through and didn’t feature anybody being ripped apart by horrible things with razor sharp teeth. I had a much more realistic ‘Pitch Black’ experience in the woods tonight, with pouring rain, a failing light source (the batteries in my torch that hadn’t been used for six months starting to fade) and a group of chavs, tanked up on White Lightning cider grunting like neanderthals somewhere in the darkness. I gave them a wide berth and hurried home.

I spent two and a half hours last night collecting snapshots in San Fiero, but I was slightly miffed to find that I hadn’t saved my game properly, so I’ve got to do it again. Still, the surreal sight of a homie from da hood flying with a jet pack around the districts of Garcia and Hashbury (who are supposedly organizing a ‘Joint Festival’ according to the street banners) is wonderful fun.

Ah, time for QI … :-) Evening all!

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