Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Gasman Cometh ... Eventually

Ok, so I spent most of Sunday playing San Andreas, but I did get down to the Jurassic Layer of the ironing pile before returning to finally drive down the main drag of Las Venturas for the first time. The only problem was that the boiler decided to conk out again – it’s done it a couple of times, usually a couple of weeks after it has been serviced for some reason and it’s getting to be a pain in the mo’ fo’ ass (sorry, came over all San Andreas for a moment there). It meant no heating and hot water, which is not the best way to start Monday morning.

Jan rang up the British Gas help line first thing, and they promised somebody between twelve and six in the afternoon, which sounded OK. We had to take Frank and Barney to the vets for their injections first thing, but we were home at a quarter to ten. The time rolled on, and we still hadn’t seen hide nor hair of a gas man by half past six, so I rang them again.

“All operators are busy … blah blah … held in a queue …”

Oh great. I eventually got through to ask where the engineer was, and was told that somebody had called but that there was nobody in. It is fair to say that there was a free and frank exchange of views at this point. Either the engineer called in the morning, before he was supposed to, or he went to the wrong address or something. Grrrr. Anyway, they did promise somebody at eight o’clock the next morning and they did actually turn up and fix the verdamte boiler, so I was finally able to get a shower – woo hoo!

In other news, I managed to find Kenna’s camera charger for her with my spooky psychic powers, and dealt with one of the stupider support calls that I’ve had recently. If you have two fields on a screen for installation date and live date, why on earth would you think that ‘Y’ might be the correct thing to put in the ‘Live’ field.

1 comment:

maria said...

as in live Y.. es?


you have your work cut out for you.