Saturday, August 20, 2005

San Andreas Update

I finished the Los Santos missions, and after a gut wrenching betrayal and a furious gun battle beneath the Mullholland flyover I found myself dumped in a trailer park in the back of beyond for my troubles. I looked at the map and saw that the city of Los Santos that had seemed so big, occupied a mere fraction of the corner of the screen. Looking at the mountains to the north I felt a fabulous sense of scale and heady possibility. I've spent hours robbing liquor stores with a psychotic chica, chasing skin heads on quad bikes, running over redneck survivalists in a combine harvester, driving a petrol tanker around sweeping country back roads, rally driving in the woods and finally burning an entire crop of marijuana with a flame thrower before heading off to San Fiero with a spaced out hippy in a psychadelic microbus.

The first sight of San Fiero caught me by surprise. I'd just finished a nerve jangling race through the woods and I parked up at the side of a camping area. Looking through the trees I saw the majestic sweep of the landmark bridge for the first time, leading to the sky scrapers of the city itself. I think that I just stood and stared for a while before getting back in my car. As gaming experiences go, this will take some beating. Looking at the completion percentage, I've seen less than a third of the game so far. Bring it on ...

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