Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Red hot pussy!

If that doesn’t increase my google rankings then I don’t know what will …

By golly and gosh, it’s been warm the last couple of days, although I would imagine that inhabitants of Tijuana would be wrapping up in their wooly jumpers at this point. I picked up Frank the cat from the top of the stairs and he was actually sweating, which I think is quite an achievement in a cat. He didn’t seem too bothered though, and he found his way back to his patch of sunlight as soon as I put him down again. I thought that the dog was going to overheat as well from chasing round the garden in the evening.

It was blessedly cool in the mist in the woods this morning, although that didn’t take long to burn off and the mercury hit 34 degrees according to the temperature gauge in my car. I had my pay rise through from work today, which was all well and good, but today I have been mostly doing clerical work on the timesheets system which is something of a waste of my time to be honest. It’s not as if I don’t have rather a lot of pressing development work to do, and it would be more cost effective to get a temp in I would have thought. Also, the Tescos in Dudley failed on the sandwich front again, with only fairly rank ‘Seafood Cocktail’ sandwiches on offer. The local Tesco Express at the garage down the road has more choice than that, and they’ve even started stocking sushi recently as well. I’ll have to start calling in there in the mornings before hitting the motorway.

Nearly ten o’clock at night, and still warm enough to be sat outside in shorts and t-shirt … this is the life, eh?


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