Sunday, January 09, 2005

Jerry Springer

Well, for the record I enjoyed it. Funny, thought provoking and with some excellent performances. I can't really see what people found to get so offended by, to be honest. The swearing was in context and the idea that 30 people swearing is somehow 30 times as bad as one person swearing is ludicrous. Jesus wore a loin cloth, not a nappy, and if the idea that he might be a "bit gay" because he loves everybody bothers you but the idea of people being condemned to burn in hell forever by God doesn't then there is something wrong with your sense of proportion. It's been reported that a christian website has published the home addresses of the BBC2 controller responsible, and that he has now received death threats - what wonderful, loving and forgiving people those christians are.

If you really want to be offended then some of the stories in the bible put anything in the show to shame:

"I offered to let a crowd rape my virgin daughters"
"I wouldn't have sex with my dead brother's wife so God killed me"
"God told me to kill my son"
"I sent my best friend to die in the army so I could sleep with his wife"
"We didn't give all our money to the church so God killed us"

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