Tuesday, December 14, 2004

What do we pay them for exactly?

I finally got direct access to the timesheets database today, after asking for it for the last two months. I have to use pc-anywhere to connect to a server in our Birmingham office and then connect again via remote desktop to the machine on the other side of the firewall, but it works reasonably smoothly and should allow me to manage the database.

I checked the sql database set up and was, shall we say, perturbed, to discover that there were no database optimisation or backup routines running in the sql server agent. I rang the management company who assured me that they were doing backups, which it transpired was a backup of the whole machine every night. All very well, but useless if we ever needed to do a selective database restore or rollback. It's set up now, so I'll need to check it is running tomorrow. I was under the impression that we were paying them to manage the server, but it appears that all they are doing is changing the tapes in the tape drive. Sigh.

1 comment:

Mr Peacock said...

I found that a problem with SQL (Backups) I end up sending daily or weekly text csv files to a secure FTP site for inegration into another db.

incidentally I used to be in scotland and had to RAS dial up to the South of England to citrix into a PCanywhere to a server in scotland (5 miles from where I was) to then PCanywhere to the PC I wanted to check on.. *shakes head*