Thursday, December 02, 2004

I blog therefore I am

This is a slightly unusual entry. Anybody that uses blogspot regularly will know that of late it has been a bit slow and unreliable, to say the least. MSN have decided to muscle in on the blogging act with something called MSN Spaces, so I'm going to give it a whirl to see what it's like. I'll probably post in both places for a while to compare and contrast the two before making a decision as to whether to switch or not.

I'm going to revive my original blog name too, so go and have a look a and let me know what you think.

I'm experimenting with the permissions on it, so let me know if you have problems getting access and I'll add you to my contact list.

1 comment:

creepylesbo said...

do you have to have a msn sign in to see it then?