Friday, December 03, 2004

The Curious Incident of the Pizza in the Night

I've put my foot in it twice tonight.

Mrs Dogwood returned from the shops bearing three pizzas - one for me, one for Mrs Dogwood and one for Ms Dogwood (Dogwood Junior had soup earlier). Ms Dogwood likes anchovies on her pizza and I was tasked with putting some on for her and putting it in the oven whilst Mrs Dogwood got changed.

So far, so simple.

Only problem was, I was busy listening to the end of the Now Show on radio 4, and I wasn't really paying attention, so I spelt out Ms Dogwood's name in anchovies on the the wrong pizza - I picked up the pepperoni one rather than the plain one, and by the time Mrs Dogwood noticed it was too late to take them off.

Strike one for incompetance.

The second case of foot in mouth was when I was trying to set the video to tape the Mark Steel lecture tonight. I had taped Harry Hill last Sunday night, and I was trying to find the end of the programme on the tape. I rewound for ages and then realised that the sky box had been switched from Paramount to ITV2 for I'm a Celebrity a couple of minutes into the programme.

I started to rant about it, but I didn't stop to think that if I had said that I was taping something then Mrs Dogwood would not have changed channels on purpose.

What a stupid, insensitive clod I am.

Mrs Dogwood, I'm sorry ...

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