Thursday, March 13, 2025

Of slaver mobs and falling hobbs

Sibbill tried to persuade the guards that we were on their side and they escorted us to their Ferret Hall assuming that we were new recruits. We were introduced to their leader Mihiniver who seemed like a nasty piece of work despite his friendly countenance.

We casually moved out of the hall and then Sibbill cast Blood Rage provoking them to fight each other. Chaos ensued! The first group were swiftly dealt with in the confusion, some of them killing each other and the rest being killed by us. Angor finished off the vile Mihiniver with some satisfaction.

We weren't out of the woods - three more large groups of slavers appeared, advancing towards us. Angor was determined to fight the slavers come what may. Sibbill cast fear on him to get him to run away with the rest of us.

We made a tactical retreat, abseiling down the rope, the only one failing being Boldo who slipped and fell. Ochs braced himself and caught the falling halfling. 

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