Johnny Cash had one of the most distinctive voices, not just in country but across all music. This album, recorded the year before he passed away, is a fine example of his range - combining his own songs, traditional numbers and an audacious range of covers from Simon & Garfunkel to Depeche Mode to the Beatles, doing them all justice. The example that most people will know is his version of Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, where he fills it with his own pain to the extent that Trent Reznor said that it was now Cash’s song.
As might be expected the songs all explore the theme of the fragility of life, melancholy and looking back. It’s a tough listen at times, as his voice cracks with emotion, but he is more than supported by great group of musicians including Billy Preston, Don Henley, Nick Cave and Fiona Apple, with production by Rick Rubin keeping things together. A fine album and a fine tribute to one of the all time greats.
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