Emperor Hroka threw out a final challenge to Ochs and Angor - fight one more monster for a legendary treasure! Ochs wasn't sure but Angor's blood was up and before long a giant spectre was pushed into the arena.
A close and brutal fight and the beast nearly fell, but it unleashed a mighty roar that left Angor in a catatonic state and Ochs broken. Tarua and Larian both shot arrows at the spectre, and Sibbil used her ancient sceptre to trigger an Earthquake almost killing it. Tarua ran out of arrows and tried to stab it to no avail. Larian pulled back on his bowstring, putting all of his will into the shot, which hit doing just enough to finally kill the spectre.
We were rewarded with a slightly disappointing amount of treasure, and decided to escape while the getting was good, making our way out of the keep while our disguises were still intact. We reached the outskirts of the settlement and looking back, we saw the castle in uproar as the elves attacked, with the ent scaling the outside of the keep!
We shrugged our collective shoulders and headed through the woods. Larian quickly realised that we were being followed - it was Hranga Gala with six orc guards. Disdaining all opportunities to run away, Tarua immediately shot the treacherous human through the head. The orc guards proved a tougher fight, given that Angor was in no state to fight, but Sibil enchanted one orc to fight on our side and the others fell eventually.
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