Thursday, January 30, 2025

Forbidden Lands

Sibbil arrived, following the trail of chaos, while Baz (paid up to date) was left to guard the stronghold. We entered the tower still in our disguises, and asked for directions up to the top floor pretending to be a party of ambassadors. We were given a room to change out of our travel stained clothes.

Realising that our orc disguises were about to expire we grappled a servant and took some blood from him to assume his appearance, spinning a tale about saving him from a disease and inflicting mortal fear on him. Now two of us looked like the orc servant

Finally we were escorted into throne room to be presented to the emperor. A tall, wealthy looking human called Lord Hranga Gala appeared to be the power behind the throne. We made a gift of the book of magic we had found and he hid it under his cloak.   

One social faux pas later we returned to the room to rest. Sibbil and Larian went to investigate Hranga Gala’s room, with Larian gaining entry by pretending to deliver a water jug and then smashing it. This gave Sibbil a chance to confirm that Hranga Gala had been lining his own pockets. 

Unfortunately this also led to Larian being thrown into prison with some jesters where his disguise faded, revealing him as an elf!

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