Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Ewal seemed to be acting very strangely since putting the crown on. A portal appeared and he didn’t hesitate to step through, leaving us with no choice but to follow him. We found ourselves tumbling through the air, flying over deserts and peaks before arriving in front of a ruined monastery. Ewal claimed that everything was normal but was very protective of his new headgear and eager to kill things as soon as possible, running across the narrow bridge towards the monastery

We saw dead monks strewn in the snow and a group of yetis in front of us. Ewal embiggened Tamira (he can do what now?) and Lycea charmed a yeti quickly name Fluffy. The other three were held in place and quickly slaughtered by Ewel.

We explored the ruins and found a labyrinth painted on the floor. We followed the path and found ourselves in another place with the opposite image on the floor. We were then attacked by strangely mutated monks who were tougher than they first appeared, killing poor Fluffy.

We were faced by with a locked door and this time Grimbul was embiggened. Inside there was a weird, eyeless creature that was healed by Ivana and turned out to be a Dawa monk. Then things got stranger!

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