Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett

I Shall Wear Midnight (Discworld, #38)I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I am older
And I have earned the right to
I shall wear Midnight

View all my reviews


Helly said...

Alan and I just read this as well. He liked it a lot better than I did - which is not to say I didn't like it, I did - but a detractor for me was that it seemed way too close to being a retelling of "A Hat Full Of Sky" only this time, the part of the hiver will be played by The Cunning Man. Alan adored it, however.

deKay said...

I got this for Christmas too. Been ages since I read a Pratchett book (not had much reading time since my daughter was born) so are there any previous books I need to have read first?

thermalsatsuma said...

It does refer back to the previous Tiffany Aching books ('The Wee Free Men', 'Hat Full of Sky' and 'Wintersmith') as well as the early Discworld book 'Equal Rites', but you can pretty much read it on its own terms as the references are footnoted where necessary. It's technically a 'young adults' book, but deals with some pretty dark themes.