Monday, October 04, 2010

The Beaten Side of Town

A crisp start to the day, with a touch of mist on the fields, followed by clear blue skies and glorious October sunshine. Marvellous.

Another frustrating day at work, trying to get the document viewer plug in working on a web installation. The web app is correctly returning the document (and will open it in another window) but it chokes on running the service to turn the document into a pdf that can be displayed in a box on the page. We're doing it in a somewhat clunky way and the guy who knows most about it wasn't in the office today, so I'm a bit stymied.

In movie news, we watched the classic 1962 film version of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and powerful stuff it was too. It did seem to rely on knowing some of the back story from the book, but the central court room scene is still absolutely riveting, and Gregory Peck's closing speech really brings a lump to your throat knowing how things are going to turn out.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

I love that movie, with Gregory Peck.