Thursday, September 02, 2010

Tokyo Storm Warning

My, but the internet seems a snippy place today.

A lot of people seem to be concerned that Apple's new iTunes 10 social network Ping is censoring Lady Gaga when she posts pro-gay tweets. I've just updated my iTunes and as she was recommended as a person to follow I had a look to see and the missing tweets are there, with the option of 'liking them' (which several thousand of her followers do) and replying (as has a persistent spammer). It's more likely that the people producing the advert mocked up a screen and decided that they didn't want the word 'Manwhore' appearing in the middle of it. If Apple were anti-gay, why would they be promoting Gaga as their top artist to follow?

The second minor storm-ette is the option to re-tweet or post to Facebook comments that you make against a post. As far as I can see the option is off by default unless you actively choose to set it up and then tick the box to repost. It's nothing that you couldn't already do with cut and paste already, if you really wanted to. I can understand having buttons to crosspost a public post to a social network (as just about every blog post or news article now allows), but a comment out of context is not going to make much sense, surely?

The issue is not with the buttons, it's with the content that you post - if somebody can see your post, then there is nothing you can do to stop it from being copied elsewhere, short of enforcing a copyright takedown notice. If it's a personal matter that you don't want past/present/future friends/employers/partners/family (delete where applicable) to see, then think twice before posting it in the first place, rather than trusting to filters and privacy settings.

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