The 24th of March is the birthday of Ada Lovelace, the world's first computer programmer. It is a day to celebrate the achievements of women in all fields of Science and Mathematics by the simple act of blogging about them. If you would like to find out more please go to
Hypatia of Alexandria who lived from around 370 - 415 was notable as the first woman to be credited with making a substantial contribution to the study of mathematics and science. She studied in Athens and Venice, and taught philosophy and astronomy as head of the Platonist school in Alexandria. She is also credited with inventing the hydrometer and also recording the orbits of the planets.
She lived in an age where the glories of the Hellenistic culture of Greece were under attack by those who regarded knowledge, and the desire to acquire and promulgate knowledge, as inherently sinful. The reasons for her death are unclear, but her cruel fate at the hands of a Christian mob has been well documented. This same barbarous mentality also saw Alexandria's famous library destroyed, and persists today in those who would rather live in fearful ignorance than expose their beliefs to the clear light of reason and science.
1 comment:
Very interesting. I had never heard of this woman.
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