The skies were clear and frosty last night, so I was slightly surprised to look out of the window when I woke up this morning and saw it bucketing down with snow. Fortunately it eased off by mid-morning and the sun came out in time for our morning walk with the dog, and he happily snow-plowed his way across the field.
Last night's movie was 'Orphan' which concerned a couple adopting a rather odd child from a Russian orphanage, with hilarious consequences. Or not. The film was pitched as a horror flick, and the opening scenes with gruesome dreams, mysterious nuns and a frozen over pond put me very much in mind of Omen II and films of that ilk. Unfortunately after an intriguing setup the film tips its hand far too early turning into a rather risible thriller which is not even saved by a plot twist of genuine WTF proportions near the end. Not recommended.
In Words with Friends news, I had an extremely lucky break after a very cautious game of infilling, strategic play when I managed to clear all of my letters (including a V) with 'INDEVOUT'. I had 'devout' planned out first of all, but took a punt on including the 'in' and it was accepted - rah!
Have you seen "Let The Right One In"?
No, but I did see a one line spoiler review for it on Twitter : "They let the wrong one in"
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