Monday, February 01, 2010

Road to Nowhere

Monday morning and a trip up to the frozen north (aka Newcastle) for to do nothing much that I couldn't have done via the internet. Still, the powers that be had decreed that I spend six hours or so driving for a couple of hours of work and rather a lot of sitting around whilst the IT department (in a completely different building) bounced me around different help desks whilst they sorted out my access.

The journey up this morning was fine and dry, and so I was surprised to see a fair amount of snow on the ground when I got to my destination. For some reason this made everybody forget how wide their cars were when they couldn't see the markings in the car park, and so I had to circle around for a while before I could find a space to snuck into. The journey back was a bit slow, thanks to a Boots lorry that had decided to park itself in the central reservation for some reason - perhaps the driver had realised the pointless futility of it all and had tried to take an underdose of arsenic from the contents of his vehicle?

Home again now, and I'm as tired as a tired thing that has had a particularly tiring day and hence has trouble thinking up extended metaphors for being tired.

1 comment:

will said...

