Thursday, January 07, 2010

Slip sliding away

After two days of being snowed in, I made my way into Leeds this morning.

The temperature was a bracing -5 as I defrosted the car yet again and with a couple of slightly hairy moments of wheel spin I made it out onto the street. The traction control did its job and I made it to the main road in one piece and after that things were relatively clear, if somewhat slow moving.

The office was still pretty quiet, although our team had mostly a full complement in, which was pretty good going. Work was business as normal, with a couple of new things to add to the list for me do in my copious free time.

The journey home was also good, until I got back to our road. The gritters had been up and had actually made things a lot worse. What had been hard packed snow was now six inches of rapidly freezing slush. I made it to our driveway and then found that I couldn't actually turn in without the wheels spinning. In the end I had to reverse in very gingerly with Jan digging out bits where the wheels couldn't get a grip and then a final push from the next door neighbour to get me off of the road. I'm not entirely convinced that I can get off the driveway again tomorrow, but I'll have to review the situation in the morning.

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