Thursday, December 03, 2009

Holy Thursday Redux

This must be Thursday. I with that chap in the dressing gown when it comes to Thursdays.

This week has been a bit of a blur, adding in a new piece of functionality and then prepping for the demo today, and I had a bit of a restless night with various anxiety dreams and then waking up early. I knew there wasn't much point in trying to go back to sleep so I had a quick breakfast, a shower and then hit the road for half past seven, getting into the office just after eight. No dark chocolate mints as a reward though.

The demo was fine, even if some of my bits were a bit smoke and mirrors. I was getting increasingly croaky by the end though, and I really struggled to make it through a phone conference to discuss some technical architecture questions. All I can say is that I'm mighty glad it's a work at home Friday tomorrow.

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