Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fahren, fahren, fahren auf der autobahn

After a day working at home yesterday, I ventured out into the icy cold this morning (-7 according to the weather sensors) to defrost the car. It took ten minutes of concentrated scraping combined with the heaters to clear the windscreen sufficiently to be able to see out. At least the motorway was blessedly empty (presumably nobody else was daft enough to venture out) and so I was in work on time.

A particularly pesky problem with online submissions turned out to be an expired certificate that hadn't been updated on the customer sites and I managed to run through a bit more of the testing. Fortunately the release is not needed until after Christmas so it is not as much of a panic as I thought it might be.

In games news I was inordinately pleased to have broken the 100,000 kills target in MiniGore. I'm not usually a gamerpoint whore, but I made an exception in this case to unlock the rather natty Santa hat. I seriously doubt, however, that I will be aiming for the 1,000,000 kills target to unlock the Sensei Evan character - I doubt that my aching thumbs could stand the strain.

I need a new obsession, but I am currently spoilt for choice. I really like geoSpark in small doses, along with 33rd Division and Mini Squadron (a side scrolling air combat game). I think that 7 Cities might do the trick though - it's a tower defence game with a theme of defending cities from marauding pirates coming up a river estuary. I've just played the first two missions to get a feel for the tactical options, but it's looking promising so far. At least it will keep me busy until we get the promised DLC maps for geoDefence:Swarm.

The big news of the night, however, is me beating about 10,000 other people to get the top score in a round of 1vs100 live tonight - yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

Congratulations! I'm going to help you celebrate by pouring myself another glass of wine.