Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Daily Post - Tuesday

A wet, miserable day.

The commute into Leeds was a bit of a grind, enlivened only by an excellent episode of The Moth podcast relating a surreal tale of a Jewish wedding at Disneyland, and the usual Tuesday helping of Adam and Joe.

At work, I was really struggling with my energy levels, and I have a nasty feeling that I might be coming down with something. Both of the developers who sit next to me have had a cold recently, so it might be my turn next. It also feels very hot and muggy in the office, which is probably down to switching from having the air-con on last week to the central heating radiators today.

At least we had the success of tracking down an odd bug in the code that only manifested if a process was interrupted at one specific point which would leave unnecessary transaction records lying around in the database that wouldn't get deleted by the usual cleanup routines. Assuming that there aren't any other knock on effects, removing the bit of code that creates the blank transactions will speed things up because they are simply deleted and recreated later on in any case.

What else? Well, we watched the second episode of FlashForward last night. The premise is intriguing, asking the question as to whether you have free will if the future is pre-determined. Having recently read a Dan Dennet book on this very subject, the short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but you might have the wrong idea of what free will actually is. So, neat idea, but I don't know if I'll stick with it if it all goes a bit soap opera-y as it seems it might with one particular subplot. We shall see.

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