Saturday, October 03, 2009

Daily Post - Saturday

Well, that's my first day of study completed.

I reckon that I've covered about two thirds of the unit which is not bad going, I think. It is covering concepts that are quite familiar to me but it is useful to get back into an academic way of thinking. I've been using my personal blog on the StudentHome site to write down some of my answers to the questions in the source book, which is probably better than scribbling them on bits of paper.

I've downloaded TMA01, which is the first assessment. Some of it is easy and other parts are a little more tricky - particularly the Harvard referencing, but that's just a stylistic thing that I'll get used to. I'm trying to decide between going to a tutorial for M150 and a T175 study day in Leeds which clash. Hmmm, I'll see what the tutor for M150 says nearer the time.

In other news, in a sudden burst of energy I mowed the lawn and raked up some leaves last night which proved to be a bit of a waste of time given the high winds which dumped another load of leaves into the garden. The winds also woke me up at around half past four, but I think it was that rather than the insomnia. I did get back to sleep again until around seven which is another good night and put me in a good frame of mind for studying today.

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