My review
rating: 4 of 5 stars
There's a game that we play in this house, and I imagine that most of you will have played something similar, where we talk about our plans for a zombie apocalypse. We discuss our options for safe hideouts, preferred weaponry, sources of food and water and long term escape plans. For the record, I would go for the local Costcutter supermarket (solid, defensible structure, well supplied), weapons of choice would be my Paul Chen katana (good for decapitation) and sais (close combat, last resort) and long term we would head for Hunt House in Swaledale - a remote, easily defended 16th century farm house.
If you haven't considered the likely consequences of a zombie outbreak, then the author Max Brooks has done the job for you. This book is a comprehensive catalogue of tactics for survival against the undead horde, including weapons and combat tactics, defensive strategies and plans for going on the offensive and fighting back. He considers every possible level of threat from a minor type 1 outbreak all the way to a full blown global apocalypse ("Living in an undead world"). Also included is a chapter on zombie attacks through recorded history back to prehistoric times, with useful examples of tactics that worked and the horrific consequences of those that didn't.
An essential guide to survival, you know, just in case ...
View all my reviews.
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