Sunday, January 04, 2009

Thought for the day

You are probably aware of the two minute slot given over to a different speaker each day to provide a moral perspective on the day's news. Since its inception the slot has been reserved for religious speakers pretty much on a pro-rata basis, so we get mostly Christians (either avuncular C of E bishops or huffing evangelists), a weekly Rabbi, the occasional Hindu or Sikh and once in a blue moon a Buddhist.

However the producers seem to be resolutely opposed to any secular speakers appearing in the slot, as only belief in a imaginary deity (and it matters not which one) qualifies one to speak about moral issues. Well, it's time to fight back. A petition has been organised with signatories agreeing to email the programme if 100 people signed up. At the last count 1660 have signed, so now it's time to get busy. Just go to this page and send short message to ask for the slot to be opened up, or to be scrapped altogether.

Fly my pretties, fly!

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