So, last night, we were just settling down to eat our tea when the boiler started to make a noise.
A very worrying noise indeed. Wooshing, clanking, banging and then the pressure gauge started to climb inexorably into the red zone, like one of Stephen King's bad dreams (along with the ones about writer's block and killer clowns). I turned the boiler off and, after finishing tea, rang for the gasman.
Long standing readers will know the drill by now, but suffice it to say it's kettles for hot water and blankets to keep warm until said gasman can commeth with the appropriate doobry to fix it tommorrow afternoon. Oh joy.
Today was my first day in the new job, and it went pretty well apart from the irritating tickly cough that I appear to have picked up from one or the other of the kids from last week. Hopefully it won't develop into anything worse. The systems look quite interesting, being a process based workflow product with custom objects working off of a mix of Oracle and SQL databases. Quite a steep learning curve, I think.
1 comment:
I hope it will be fun to learn something new.
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