Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Of feet, Firefox and flowers

Everything in garden seems to be blooming at the moment.

The hanging baskets are a blaze of colour, the vines have gone mad, the strawberry plant is flowering and the beds are a mix of vibrant greens. Ok, so the courgette seedlings that I planted out the other day have been slightly nibbled by slugs, but hopefully they will survive and grow. I do enjoy sitting here and looking out through the patio doors to the various flora and fauna (aka Barney the dog running round in circles) outside. All we need now is a bit of sunshine to complete the picture.

In other news, I've updated the RC2 beta version of Firefox on my mac book to the final release version 3.0 with no problems, as well as the Windows version in my Parallels virtual machine. At a rough count there are another 10 installations of FF on various macs and pcs round the house, in different flavours of Mac/Os, linux and Windows virtual machines, but I might just leave them to auto update when they feel like it. The add-ons site seems to be very slow at the moment, so I guess I'll have to wait for the official del.icio.us add on, but that's no great problem. No sign of an update to the iFox smooth theme yet, although the new default Mac/Os theme seems to be nicely minimalist already.

In other, other news, I've got a crack in the skin on my heel that feels as if somebody has had a go at it with a razor blade. I'll have to keep applying the foot softening cream that I got when the other heel had the same problem a while ago and try and keep my weight off it until it heals (ho, ho, I am satirical).

After noticing that sounds from my Nokia E50 phone played over the speakers in my car when it was connected to the hands free via bluetooth I realised that I could use the media player to listen to things, and that it would pause playback whenever I had an incoming call. The sound quality is pretty good, and is free of the occasional crackles that I get with my FM transmitter that I use with my mp3 player. All I need now is a micro-sd card for storage space, and I can use the Nokia Audiobook player to queue up all of my regular podcasts for in car listening in a hands free, wireless stylee. Nifty.


Anonymous said...

Your phone plays through your speakers? That is very cool. I was ecstatic when I could use my phone as an MP3 player - never worrying about missing a call due to the music -, but I had to use earbuds, obviously. Speakers, CAR speakers at that, is absolutely brilliant.

thermalsatsuma said...

The bluetooth handsfree kit plays phone calls through the speakers, but I hadn't realised that the media player would work as well.

Anonymous said...
