An open letter to the Christians of Ray Comfort's blog who question my morality.
The rule of morality that I use is one that predates Christianity by thousands of years. It is simply the golden rule of 'do as you would be done by'. I am not violent, capricious or cruel, and I certainly don't want to destroy the planet. In return, I expect the same consideration from others. This is a rule that has benefits for all societies, and explains altruism as well - a co-operative society will do better than a selfish one. Jesus actually phrased the rule rather neatly as."Love your neighbour as yourself", but the idea did not originate with him by any means.
In contrast, your god is a violent bully who threatens the Israelites with destruction and gives them a huge list of arbitrary rules to follow. He demands sacrifices and military conquest and is only satisfied by grovelling obedience. The church through history (and I include Islam here too) has been violent, power hungry and cruel. This continues today with their vindictive treatment of gay people, to take just one example. You even have a presidential candidate who holds these views - how would it harm you if you allowed gay people the same rights to marry as everybody else?
If that's the source of your morality, then shame on you.
1 comment:
Hi Neil.
I have Google set to send me notes on articles that contain "Golden Rule" and so got linked to your article.
Thought you might be interested in a site I have that talks about the Golden Rule in different faiths.
As you say, it predates Christianity. In fact, it exists in every faith and moral code that we know of.
Now, if we could just learn to live by it.
Be Well
David Keating
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