Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday links

I suppose I should set up one of those thingies to auto post links, but I'll make do with a manual list for now.

Daily Lit - OK, so you never actually got around to reading War and Peace. Why not read it in bite sized chunks emailed to your inbox every day? Hat tip to Skyekat.

While we are talking about text Scribd is useful text sharing site - sort of like youtube for documents. Lots of interesting stuff to browse through on there.

I know that I really shouldn't get excited by movie trailers, but Aliens Vs Predator - Requiem looks very cool indeed, as does Escher's Relativity made out of Lego.

Free games are always nice, so how about the original Command & Conquer, which is still good fun 12 years on. Even better is Nexuiz which is a nifty FPS game that is equally at home on Mac OS/X, Linux and Windows.

Th' th' that's all folks!

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