Daisy has been sneezing for two days, and she was off her food yesterday, hardly eating anything. After a night worrying, I took her into the vets this morning.
Well, the vet says that she has an upper respiratory tract infection and that she's quite small for 13 weeks - she's only 1.1 kilos. He's given her some antibiotics and some high protein food, so hopefully she will put a bit more weight on before she goes back on Saturday. It's difficult to know what is normal behaviour for her, but she still seems quite lethargic compared to how she was when she first arrived here.
I'm trying not to worry too much, but it's hard not to ...
Mia sneezes all the time and has a slightly runny eye. The vet man said it was just a cold and nothing to worry about.
I'd say that you needn't be over-concerned.
I hope she'll be over it soon!
Hope she gets better soon.
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