Monday, August 27, 2007

The grand accounts system renumbering exercise seemed to go well last week, even though some jitters from the PHBs that be meant that I had to go down to the Birmingham office on a Friday before a bank holiday weekend. Oh joy.

I got home at about 7:00 on Friday evening, and I was in a hot and bothered mood until I'd got the BBQ fired up and had a couple of Hoegardens to calm my frazzled nerves. Jan had been out to buy a brand new shiny Xbox 360 but I couldn't set it up optimally due to missing the remote control for the telly, so I left it till the next morning.

On Saturday, the remote control was still missing and I couldn't work out how to set RGB mode properly using only the button on the front of the TV so we bit the bullet and went out to buy the LCD telly that I had had my eye on for ages. In the end the best place to buy it from turned out to be Argos - it was £30 cheaper than the best price on line and included a three year warranty that Dixons et al wanted to charge £150 for. Bargainlicious.

So, we are all set up now for HD gaming goodness. My gamer tag is thermalsatsuma, naturally, although we've only got Forza Motorsport 2 and Bioshock so far. Bioshock is stunning on first impressions, taking the best bits of Half Life, Call of Cthulhu and System Shock. Set in a ruined underwater city built in the 1950s and now overrun by genetically enhanced mutants, it's atmospheric, haunting and very disturbing.

Today has been fun, hooking up the xbox to stream music off the server upstairs and getting signed up on Xbox Live. I've had a nosy around the Live Arcade, and downloaded some demos and videos to play with. The service is smooth and seamless, and integrates with MSN messenger as well.

This afternoon we went to see thebustocrookes in hospital, recovering from his op. He was a bit spaced out but doing remarkably well considering. Hopefully he'll be up to drinking beer and eating curry in short order - get well soon Busto!


Leigh said...

Ok so how do I get my gamertag on my blog?

Oh and my controller doesn't vibrate (although I think its technical rather than user error).

Oh and I'm so bad at Bioshock...can't kill a Big daddy to save my life...may need to put it on Easy! I used to be so good at System Shock as well!

Alan said...

I am not at all jealous.Much. Congrats