Friday, July 06, 2007

State of decay

Gosh, I feel old.

Last night was Alicia's prom. Since when did we have school proms in this country? Probably around the same time that Halloween turned into the trick or treat commercial blowout. I'm sure that all we had in my day was a school disco where the chemistry teacher would turn up wearing jeans and trying to act cool.

Anyway, Alicia got all togged up and headed off to a hotel in town whilst I went off to my last Kobudo session before the grading on Sunday. We ran through the syllabus identifying some weaknesses, before the Sensei teamed us up with John and Anna to push us a little bit harder. Having a seventeen stone bloke throwing a full weight punch at you is a pretty good incentive to move and block effectively, and it's all the more satisfying to get the hip throw working properly. Great fun.

I got home and immediately drunk a pint of grapefruit juice and tonic water to rehydrate myself. I dozed for a little while before my phone beeped to remind me to go and collect Alicia before she turned into a pumpkin at midnight. I drove round a few times before I spotted Alicia and it turned out she had had a fine time. Hurrah!


Alan said...

From memory the whole school prom thing was a 1990's thing, but that was after my time. My only recollection is the University Ball. Which is a memory I'd sooner forget!

Anonymous Me said...

Is it a U.S. import? It's been a part of this culture as long as I can remember. But different - here it's more about riding in a limo and staying out all night than the actual dance. Or, so I'm told.