Well, it's been a funny old week, one way and another.
I've probably seen more of the floods on the tv and the internet rather than in person, and driving past Meadowhall on Wednesday night it seemed difficult to believe that it was flooded out just 24 hours before. It was only the bits of debris and piles of mud at the side of the road that showed what had passed.
The sun came out today, and the wind dropped sufficiently tonight for us to break out the barbecue tonight. A jug of frozen margaritas, minted lamb kebabs, chilli cheese sausages, burgers - yum! It takes a while for the barbecue to get warmed up, but when it does it kicks out a decent amount of heat and stays hot for hours. It's lovely to be able to sit outside, chatting, munching on tasty food and enjoying life.
In other news, our broadbean has finally been upgraded from a half meg service to a decent speed at last. BT have also sent us a new hub and a dinky little internet phone as well, but the best thing is being able to download stuff at 300Kb/s rather than 30Kb/s.
Time for a Boddingtons - cheers!
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