Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Flood pictures

Well, I think we were lucky to escape the worst effects of the flood yesterday, although we had an impressive pond at the end of our garden yesterday. It was quite surreal to follow the breaking news on the internet and tv, and see pictures of cars floating along roads that I had driven on the day before.

The end of our garden

The view through the gate

The field outside our garden


Anonymous Me said...

You must live in a very flood-prone area. Hope your house is on high ground! We had flooding in the basement last year I hope we never have to repeat. Very nice, green garden.

thermalsatsuma said...

We actually live on a reasonable hill - the flooding in the pictures is in a dip at the end of the garden. The centre of Sheffield was badly flooded - I think we had a month of rain in one day and several rivers burst their banks.