I usually manage to avoid the Thought for the Day religious slot on the Today programme on Radio 4 by jumping in the shower at ten to eight. However, the programme producers have asked for anyone who would like a secular or humanist viewpoint to be included in the slot to email them so that they can gauge public opinion.
This is the email that I sent to today@bbc.co.uk
I would like to add my support for a secular point of view to be presented on Thought for the Day from time to time, to more fairly reflect the actual balance of religious belief (of lack of it) in the UK.
I was particularly annoyed by the comments made by George Carey in the House of Lords where he claimed that atheists are "not renowned" for feeding the poor and caring for the oppressed. Can I also point out that atheists are not renowned for discriminating against people simply because they happen to be gay. We also don't blow ourselves up on tube trains or threaten to behead people for holding different beliefs.
neil hopkins, sheffield
Well done!
You go guy !
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