Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I get knocked down, but I get up again ...

We went live with a new expense system at work yesterday, so today was earmarked for fielding all of the usual niggly questions and set up queries from just about everybody in the company. I had about forty emails outstanding to deal with when a windows update decided it wanted to reboot my system.

I logged back in to find an oddly bare desktop. It had somehow contrived to lose my entire profile, all of my settings and documents. It took over an hour to unpick everything and set it up again - fortunately everything was backed up, but it was exactly the sort of thing that I could have done without today. On the plus side, the tech support guy that I spent an hour on the phone to was surprised that I was still using my five year old steam powered laptop, so if I play my cards right I could get a nice shiny new toy to play with. Hurrah!

I'd caught up with everything by five o'clock, and after a walk with the dog and something to eat I headed out to fencing. It was another quiet session, but oh boy, what a cracker. Even after nearly three years, there are still things that can completely change my perspective in utterly surprising ways. We looked at footwork from different points of view than the usual linear one, particular in the way that the hips can move, and some voids and moves that had been perennial bugbears suddenly made sense. Not content with that, Rick demonstrated that the most subtle of parades in hand position could have make a devastating difference, both in offence and defence.

Woah, dude. Definite light bulb moments all round. I love this sport.

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