Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cold starts and time travel times two

I awoke this morning from an unusually vivid dream involving formal dinners, ballroom dancing, my friend Harry from work having a heart attack and sharing a hospital bed with a pregnant Jordan, fruit compotes, scenery painting and time travel. I felt strangely dislocated from reality walking through a sub zero woodland in the early morning moonlight with the dog.

The drive to Birmingham was slow - the usual slew of roadworks but I did enjoy listening to this weeks' episode of the radio version of Doctor Who. It was by turns thrilling, funny and in the end unexpectedly moving with the Doctor and Lucie chasing a ruthless time thief from a disintegrating space ship to a garden party in the heart of the English countryside on a balmy summer evening with a storm brewing. Well worth the Listen Again.

Work was a day long meeting/training session trying to make sense of our purchasing system to understand the options that we've got available for expanding the processing options to cover the requirements of some of the business units that don't currently use the system and also unpicking some of the problems that we've got at the moment. One that I spotted was down to a code being set up as M0 in one place and MO elsewhere, with my ex pointy haired boss swearing blind that it was she actually meant it to be MO despite all of the other location codes following the pattern P0, P1, P2 etc. Hmmmm. Methinks she doth protest too much. It's a good job she didn't overhear me asking which illiterate keyboard monkey had set the code up in the first place.

Home again, via traffic jams on the M6, to zonk out on the bed and wake again to find Biddy trying to snuggle up to me to keep warm.

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