Monday, January 08, 2007

Pointy haired madness

There was a minor panic at work today.

The sales order spreadsheets (four of them at the last count) all needed amending to add a field to indicate if they were a so-called catalyst order and if so a date range for the order. Not especially tricky, but time consuming and awkward, especially when it was decided to include a macro to force date entry where applicable every time a new spreadsheet was created from a template.

I finished the work and then it was pointed out that the catalyst order was actually spelt catalist, so I had to go back and change umpty-something references including the titles in the data validation messages to match.

What pointy haired eejit thought that one up, eh? I'm assuming that it's a portmanteau word made up by some combination of catalogues and lists or something, invented some hideously overpaid management consultant (a word composed of con and insult) somewhere.

Grrr and hurrumph.

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