Monday, January 15, 2007

Fiddler on the roof

After the storm damage of last week, I picked a likely looking builder from and asked him to come round to give us a quote. He didn't bother coming round, but fortunately our window cleaner doubles up as a roofer (and lives just round the corner). He gave me his card last week, so I called him at one o'clock today and he turned up just before two o'clock to get on with the job. He replaced the ridge tile, four cracked tiles, cleaned out the gunk from the top gutter and fixed a broken bit of the bottom gutter for £135 pounds all in - bargain! We can claim all but £50 of that back from the insurance as well, so it's a result.

If anybody wants a good roofer in the Sheffield/Chesterfield/Barnsley area drop me an email and I'll send you his number.

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